Canadian Manufacturing

Uber settles driverless car case with Alphabet-owned Waymo

by The Associated Press   

Canadian Manufacturing
Regulation Research & Development Technology / IIoT Automotive Transportation

The long-awaited suit alleging technology theft finally went to court this week, but the San Francisco jury convened for the trial will not be handing down a ruling

Alphabet has been working on driverless car technology for years. It’s now testing its technology in Chrysler vans. PHOTO: Waymo

SAN FRANCISCO—Uber is settling a lawsuit filed by Google’s autonomous car unit alleging that the ride-hailing service riped off self-driving car technology.

Both sides in the case issued statements confirming the settlement early Feb. 9 in the midst of a federal court trial in the case.

Google’s Waymo unit says Uber agreed to take steps to make sure Waymo technology isn’t used in Uber’s autonomous vehicles. Waymo says Uber also agreed to pay about $245 million.


Uber’s CEO says in a printed statement that the company doesn’t believe trade secrets made their way from Waymo to Uber. He also says Uber is taking steps to make sure its self-driving vehicle research represents only Uber’s work.


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