Canadian Manufacturing

Lightspeed launches new hospitality commerce and point-of-sale restaurant platform

by CM Staff   

Operations Sales & Marketing Technology / IIoT Food & Beverage

The platform integrates top features from Upserve, Gastrofix, Kounta and iKentoo.

Photo Credit: CNW Group/Lightspeed Commerce Inc.

Montreal-based commerce platform Lightspeed Commerce Inc. has launched Lightspeed Restaurant, a unified hospitality commerce and point-of-sale (POS) platform that integrates top features from Upserve, Gastrofix, Kounta and iKentoo.

“Dining out in the U.S. and Canada is on the rise again, but business needs have fundamentally changed,” Lightspeed officials said in an Oct. 14 news release. “This best-in-class solution built through years of strategic investments and innovation, brings together an innovative POS, contactless integrated payments, online ordering, advanced inventory, and analytics to create a powerful hospitality platform for running a smarter, more efficient restaurant.”

“After years of strategically bringing together the best talent and technology in the hospitality industry, we’re excited to bring this long-awaited solution to the U.S. and Canada after a successful launch in Europe last quarter,” said Peter Dougherty, GM, Hospitality, Lightspeed. “Digital adoption has been an important lifeline for restaurants and it’s clear there are greater efficiencies to be realized with new technology. Lightspeed Restaurant was built to meet these challenges by putting new data into the hands of independent restaurateurs to help them make smarter decisions about their business.”


The new Lightspeed Restaurant is now available in North America in a phased rollout to select restaurants. Key merchant resources include analytics and reporting that tells operators what brings their customers back, and who their best servers are and why; daily emails to restaurant owners, chefs and managers detailing everything they need to know before doors open, and a shift prep email detailing reservations, VIP guests, and notes for the service ahead; a comprehensive integrated inventory that allows for tracking and automating inventory; easy-to-use and train workflows; and contactless ordering and payments.


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