Canadian Manufacturing

Evercloak’s HVAC technology bags $1.1M in funding from EIP

by CM Staff   

Technology / IIoT Environment Manufacturing Operations Sustainability Public Sector Cleantech Electronics cleantech electronics Energy Innovation Program environment Evercloak federal funding HVAC Manufacturing operations public sector Sustainability Technology

The membrane-based system can cut up to 50% energy required for air conditioning and dehumidification.

KITCHENER-WATERLOO — Evercloak’s HVAC technology receives $1.1 million in funding from Natural Resources Canada’s Energy Innovation Program (EIP).

The EIP funding supports a $1.8 million project enabling Evercloak to accelerate the development of its membrane-based system, which can cut the energy required for air conditioning and dehumidification by up to 50 per cent.

“Air conditioning already accounts for 10 per cent of the world’s electricity consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions, and we know demand is going to triple by 2050,” Evercloak’s founder and CEO, Evelyn Allen, said. “Evercloak’s technology offers a huge opportunity to cut energy use and curb greenhouse gas emissions by efficiently dehumidifying air prior to cooling.”

“Evercloak’s dehumidification system is an excellent example of how Canadian innovation is playing a significant role in bringing the country towards a net-zero economy by 2050,” Energy Minister Jonathan Wilkinson said.


“Companies that invest in clean technologies are helping to decarbonize industry, limit greenhouse gas emissions, grow greener communities, and make home heating more reliable and affordable. I am pleased that NRCan is supporting projects that support clean innovation, reliable energy, and economic growth in the Kitchener-Waterloo area, Wilkinson added”


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