Canadian Manufacturing

Border service launches investigation into fabricated steel imports

by Canadian Staff   

Canadian Manufacturing
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CBSA looking at steel component imports from five countries in new anti-dumping probe, as well as Chinese industry subsidies


Fabricated industrial steel components are used in the building construction industry, as well as in the oil and gas and mining sectors

OTTAWA—The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has launched another investigation into steel that may be entering the country at unfair prices.

After launching an rebar anti-dumping probe late last month, the agency has announced it is now also looking at fabricated industrial steel components (FISC) being shipping into Canada from a handful of countries in Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

The probe will investigate imports from China, South Korea, Spain, the United Arab Emirates and the U.K, assessing whether or not the steel components—which include structural building parts, as well as steel components used in the oil and gas and mining industries—are being sold at unfair prices in Canada.


Stemming from a complaint filed by three Canada producers, the investigation will also look into whether or not China is propping up its FISC industry with subsidies, which would be in violation of the Special Import Measures Act. As with other steel dumping claims, the companies say the alleged price undercutting is damaging the steel industry in Canada.

The CBSA said it will look into the complaint and issue a preliminary decision by December.


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