Canadian Manufacturing

Canada Post hit by rotating strikes in Victoria, Edmonton, Windsor and Halifax

The Canadian Press

Canadian Manufacturing
Human Resources Operations Small Business

The union says mail will still be delivered in those cities, but will be delayed

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers begins 24-hour rotating strikes

OTTAWA – The union representing 50,000 Canada Post employees has begun rotating strikes in four cities across the country.

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers says the 24-hour strikes began Monday at 12:01 a.m. local time in Victoria, Edmonton and Windsor, Ont., and at 1:01 a.m. in Halifax.

The union says mail will still be delivered in those cities, but will be delayed.


Canada Post spokesman Jon Hamilton said on Sunday that in the event of rotating strikes normal mail delivery would be maintained in all other locations across the country.

The job action began after negotiators failed to reach a new contract agreement before the union’s Monday strike deadline.

Hamilton said Canada Post was committed to reaching a deal, and had an offer on the table that included wage hikes, job security, improved benefits and no concessions.

But CUPW President Mike Palecek said the key issues of job security, an end to forced overtime, better health and safety measures and gender equality remained unresolved.



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