Canadian Manufacturing

Maxime Bernier says he hates carbon taxes, loves pipelines

by The Canadian Press   

Canadian Manufacturing
Environment Regulation Oil & Gas Public Sector

The Quebecker running for federal Tory leadership said in Saskatoon, Sask. that he would push for more pipelines to get western oil to Canada's coasts

SASKATOON—One of the candidates vying for the leadership of the federal Conservative Party says he opposes a federal carbon tax.

Quebec MP Maxime Bernier was in Saskatoon on Wednesday and also says he will push to have pipeline projects go ahead so western oil to the coasts for sale overseas.

Bernier also says balancing the budget should be Canada’s priority, not spending more and piling on debt.

He also says he would push for a smaller government to give more freedom and prosperity to Canadians.


Others in the race to be Tory leader are Ontario MPs Kellie Leitch, Michael Chong, Tony Clement.

Alberta MP Deepak Obhrai and Saskatchewan MP Brad Trost have said they will run, but have not formally applied to the party to be candidates.

Bernier has previously promised to ease foreign ownership restrictions on airlines, privatize Canada’s major airports, deregulate the telecommunications industry, end supply management for the egg, chicken and dairy industries, and privatize Canada Post.

“I think the solution is we must work with other countries like China and India, they are the big emitters, so we must work with the and maybe sell them Canadian technology,” Bernie said about reducing greenhouse gases.



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