Canadian Manufacturing

Hydro-Quebec, Massachusetts electricity talks continue despite setback

by The Canadian Press   

Cleantech Canada
Environment Regulation Cleantech Energy Infrastructure Public Sector

An agreement to export Quebec hydro power south of the border could net the province $10 billion, but obstacles remain to getting the project built

The electricity deal with the U.S. state could net the province billions in revenues. PHOTO: Khayman/Wikimedia

MONTREAL—Despite a rejection in New Hampshire, Massachusetts will continue negotiations on a conditional basis with Hydro-Quebec and its American partner Eversource for the Northern Pass project.

Hydro-Quebec is counting on the Northern Pass to supply Massachusetts for 20 years, starting in 2020, as part of a historic contract signed with the state in January.

It is estimated that the Crown corporation could pocket $10 billion in revenue if an agreement is reached.


The project was rejected by the New Hampshire Site Review Board, which refused to grant a licence essential to Northern Pass’s completion in the state.

The Massachusetts Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs says talks on the project could end by March 27.

In the meantime, conditional negotiations may be conducted for another project, the New England Clean Energy Connect, which would be carried out by Hydro-Quebec and Central Maine Power.

That project involves the construction of a transmission line in Quebec to the border with Maine.



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