Canadian Manufacturing

Unifor calls for more government funding to support B.C.’s transit systems

by CM Staff   

Human Resources Manufacturing Transportation Public Sector human resource Manufacturing public sector transportation UNIFOR

Translink Coast Mountain Bus Company report underscores a significant funding shortfall.

Unifor urges all levels of government to ensure sustainable funding for BC transit. (CNW Group/Unifor)

VANCOUVER — Unifor calls on all levels of government to collaborate and ensure adequate public funding for B.C.’s public transit systems.

“We need strategic collaboration to fund public transit to keep our cities moving and to support good union jobs,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National president. “Governments must work together to solve this funding crisis and protect our transit systems.”

“Public transit is a cornerstone of sustainable urban development and essential for reducing traffic congestion and environmental impact,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western regional director. “It is crucial for governments to recognize the value of robust public transit systems and to invest accordingly.”


“The loss of pandemic relief funding, coupled with increased operational costs and declining ridership, has created a perfect storm threatening the viability of public transit services. Unifor will continue to urge all levels of the government to look beyond temporary solutions and work towards a sustainable funding model that addresses both infrastructure and operational needs,” said Payne.

A report by Translink Coast Mountain Bus Company underscores a significant funding shortfall,


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