Canadian Manufacturing

Skills Canada released the final medal results of the 2023 Skills Canada National Competition

by CM staff   

Manufacturing Operations Research & Development Public Sector construction Manufacturing National Competition skilled trade Skills Canada transportation

Over 12,000 students visited the 2023 Skills Canada National Competition at the RBC Convention Centre.

The RBC Best of Region Award was given to competitors in each province and territory. Photo: Skills/Compétences Canada.

WINNIPEG —Skills/Compétences Canada (SCC) released the final medal results of the 2023 Skills Canada National Competition (SCNC), in Winnipeg.

Over the past week, over 500 students and apprentices from across the country competed for the title of national champion in 45 skill areas at the RBC Convention Centre. The complete list of medalists is available on the Skills Canada Website, under the results tab.

Approximately 250 medals were awarded to the top competitors in six skilled trade and technology sectors, including: transportation, construction, manufacturing and engineering, information technology, services and employment. The competitors were evaluated based on strict industry standards.


During SCNC, over 12,000 student visitors, industry leaders, government officials and industry celebrities were in attendance to take part in some of the onsite activities such as the Skills Symposium, Skills Showcase featuring First Nations, Inuit and Métis Skills, the Empowering Women in the Trades initiative and over 50 Try-A-Trade® and Technology activities. Celebrities included Kate Campbell, Founder of Kate’s Contracting Inc. and Jamie McMillan, Founder of KickAss Careers, both strong advocates for women in skilled trades, and Mark Brand, Pioneer Chef and Entrepreneur.

“Events like the Skills Canada National Competition encourage Canadian youth to discover skilled trade and technology careers through interactive activities, and find their passion,” said said Shaun Thorson, Chief Executive Officer, Skills/Compétences Canada. “It also allows us to raise awareness of these important and lucrative careers to our future skilled workforce.”

This event is supported by the Government of Canada, and presenting sponsors, UA Canada, Cenovus Energy and Apprenticeship Manitoba. The 2024 Skills Canada National Competition will be held at ExpoCité, in Québec City, on May 30 and 31, 2024.


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