Canadian Manufacturing

Novatek & Hope for Dementia receive Corporate Citizen Trophy

by CM Staff   

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Novatek & Hope for Dementia were recognized for their volunteer efforts throughout the year and since the start of the pandemic.

2021-2022 Corporate Citizenship Award (CNW Group/Novatek International)

MONTREAL— On Friday December 3rd, 2021 Novatek International and it’s charity arm, Hope for Dementia,  received a Corporate Citizen Trophy for community involvement within the Laurentian Region of Quebec.

Both the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Saint-Laurent – Mont Royal and Centre d’action bénévole et communautaire Saint-Laurent hosted the virtual ceremony. Novatek & Hope for Dementia were recognized for their volunteer efforts throughout the year and since the start of the pandemic.

The company stated that in response to the negative effects that isolation can have on elderly populations, both organizations raised funds to secure iPads and tablets for donation at elderly care facilities. In addition, both companies orchestrated the collection and delivery of hundreds of packed grocery bags with food items for better brain health throughout the community.


“I am especially proud of our employees who have gotten involved during COVID-19, one of the biggest challenges we have ever faced, to help our elders by providing hundreds of iPads, Smart Tablets, and laptops to connect to their families and loved ones while they were isolated” said Parsa Famili, President of Novatek International & Hope for Dementia in a statement.

With a focus on treatment and prevention of dementia as well as other cognitive disorders, Novatek and Hope for Dementia are on a mission to make early detection and routine cognitive screening part of standard care in the Canadian Healthcare System. A petition was also launched this December to the Canadian Federal Government to make prevention a national health care priority.


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