Canadian Manufacturing

Northstar signs long-term agreement for industrial-zoned property for Calgary Facility

by CM staff   

Manufacturing Operations Technology / IIoT calgary Empower Environmental Solutions facility long-term agreement Northstar

The 15-year initial term has two 5-year renewal options for industrial-zoned 4-acre property in a developed industrial area located 4.4km southeast of the City of Calgary East Landfill

VANCOUVER — Northstar Clean Technologies wholly owned subsidiary Empower Environmental Solutions Calgary Ltd., signed a long-term 15-year lease agreement with the Mook Group of Companies (landlord) for an industrial-zoned property of 3.98 acres located in Rocky View County, a municipal district adjacent to the City of Calgary, Alberta, as the site for the company’s planned scale-up facility in Calgary (Empower Calgary Facility).

“We are excited to have secured a suitable long-term site location for our Empower Calgary Facility, conveniently located near the existing City of Calgary East Landfill,” said Aidan Mills, President & CEO and Director of Northstar. “This location gives us not only the space we need for the Empower Calgary Facility, but also makes disposal of single use asphalt shingles and pick up of our end products convenient for our customers and partners. This site provides us with a great location to construct the Company’s first scale up facility and enables us to deliver the shingle diversion, reprocessing and circular economy solution we have promised. This flagship facility will provide the foundation for Northstar’s expansion across Canada and the US as we roll out our innovative technology.”

The lease is for an initial term of 15 years, with two extension options of five years each. The 125m x 125m site is located just outside of metropolitan Calgary, easily accessed 4.4km southeast of the City of Calgary East Landfill. The company can access the site starting July 1. The lease also allows for certain improvements to be made and financed under the lease at Northstar’s discretion.

“After much hard work, we are happy to announce that Northstar Clean Technologies is a tenant in our portfolio and we will be a partner in Northstar’s new facility in Rocky View County,” said Jon C. Mook, Founder and President of the Mook Group of Companies. “Northstar’s requirements are familiar to us as we have similar tenants in our portfolio today and we believe we can add value working with them to create a start-of-art processing facility in Alberta that is focused on clean technology.”



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