Canadian Manufacturing

Natural Resources Canada announces that Sweden has joined the Sustainable Critical Minerals Alliance

by CM Staff   

Manufacturing Environment Regulation Research & Development Supply Chain Sustainability Technology / IIoT Mining & Resources Public Sector critical minerals Electric Vehicles emissions environment Government In Focus Manufacturing mining Net-Zero regulations Sustainability trade

The SCMA supports and supplements ongoing efforts in the multilateral sphere and elsewhere to build sustainable and resilient critical mineral supply chains.

OTTAWA — On Jun. 27, Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, along with Ebba Busch, Sweden’s Minister for Energy, Business and Industry and Deputy Prime Minister, announced that Sweden has joined the Sustainable Critical Minerals Alliance (SCMA), comprising of Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. Under Canada’s leadership, the SCMA was created in December 2022 to drive the global uptake of responsible critical minerals supply chains and environmentally sustainable, socially inclusive and responsible mining, processing and recycling practices. The Alliance aligns with the G7 2030 Nature Compact commitment to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030 through a globally wide system change to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) with a focus on sustainable and inclusive development.

The SCMA supports and supplements ongoing efforts in the multilateral sphere and elsewhere to build sustainable and resilient critical mineral supply chains. Members of the Alliance encourage work domestically and globally toward developing sustainable and inclusive mining practices and sourcing critical minerals that:

  • employ a nature-positive approach to industry practices;
  • support local and Indigenous communities;
  • help fight climate change by reducing pollution and GHG emissions;
  • restore ecosystems by establishing clear requirements for the reclamation and remediation of mine sites;
  • build a circular economy to accelerate the reuse and recycling of critical minerals; and
  • foster ethical corporate practices through sustainability reporting and the implementation of due diligence measures in mineral supply chains.

Members of the Alliance encourage collaboration with Indigenous communities, non-governmental organizations, industry and other non-state actors, as well as actions taken domestically and globally to advance the objectives of the SCMA and call on other nations to join this international partnership.

“Since its creation under Canadian leadership in 2022, the Sustainable Critical Minerals Alliance has worked to drive the global uptake of responsibly sourced and environmentally sustainable critical minerals supply chains and mining practices. This alliance represents a historic step forward for Canada and our international partners in our collective efforts to secure the critical minerals we need to power the clean energy transition. Together, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States — and now Sweden — are putting human rights, sustainability and the highest environmental, social and governance standards at the heart of our supply chains, helping to build the prosperous, low-carbon economy of the future,” said Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources.



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