Canadian Manufacturing

MDA Space Ltd. receives $1B contract for next phases of Canadarm3 project

The Canadian Press

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MDA is building the Canadarm3 which will be used aboard Gateway, a collaboration led by NASA to establish a space station in lunar orbit.

MDA Space Ltd. has won a $1-billion contract with the Canadian Space Agency for the next phases of the Canadarm3 robotics system.

MDA is building the Canadarm3 which will be used aboard Gateway, a collaboration led by NASA to establish a space station in lunar orbit.

Gateway is a key part of NASA’s Artemis program to return astronauts to the moon.

The contract includes funding for the final design phase as well as construction, system assembly, integration and test of the full robotics system.


It will include a large arm, a smaller dexterous arm, specialized tools for performing maintenance and science tasks, as well as a ground segment for command and control.

The contract will also include planning and personnel training in preparation for on-orbit mission operations.


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