Canadian Manufacturing

Loop Energy announces partnership with H2 Portable

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The fuel cells will be integrated into hydrogen-electric gensets designed to provide clean power to movie sets, construction sites and other locations with limited grid power access.

Mobil electric generator with power cable on street (Credit: Loop Energy)

VANCOUVER and CHILLIWACK — Loop Energy™, a designer and manufacturer of hydrogen fuel cell solutions, has delivered the first three fuel cell systems to H2 Portable, a Canadian developer of hydrogen-electric mobile power solutions. The fuel cells will be integrated into hydrogen-electric gensets designed to provide clean power to movie sets, construction sites and other locations with limited grid power access.

Located in Chilliwack, BC, H2 Portable is focused on developing market opportunities for its hydrogen-electric gensets. H2 Portable has a strategic product development and manufacturing partnership with TYCROP Manufacturing, a BC industrial manufacturing company.

Following the delivery of the T505 (50 kW) fuel cell systems, the gensets are expected to begin field testing in 2023. H2 Portable and TYCROP will aim to scale production starting in 2024 to satisfy the growing demand for hydrogen-electric power systems across industries in Canada and the United States.

H2 Portable selected Loop Energy as its technology provider following a tender process, which highlighted the enhanced fuel efficiency of its fuel cells. By lowering fuel consumption, H2 Portable can reduce its customers’ operating costs. Loop Energy’s Global Technical Services team is working alongside H2 Portable and TYCROP to optimize and commercially scale its technology.

“H2 Portable is developing solutions for a market that is primed to use hydrogen as a solution to decarbonize a broad range of industries,” said Loop Energy President & CEO, Ben Nyland. “We’re excited to see these generators produce zero-emission power across a diverse range of industries.”

The market for zero-emission gensets and power systems continues to grow globally due to hydrogen’s ability to provide reliable power to supplement the existing electrical infrastructure and deliver clean power to industries operating outside of the grid.


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