Canadian Manufacturing

Liberal to force automakers to recall broken parts and vehicles

by The Canadian Press   

Canadian Manufacturing
Manufacturing Operations Regulation Automotive Public Sector

The government is proposing changes to vehicle safety laws that will compel companies to recall and repair vehicles at no cost to consumers

robots welding in factory

Robots welding parts in an automotive plant.

OTTAWA—The federal Liberals are moving to crack down on car companies and manufacturers and legally compel them to recall broken parts and vehicles.

The government is proposing changes to the vehicle safety laws that would give it the power to order companies to recall vehicles and do the repairs at no cost to consumers.

The government would levy fines against companies that violate the new rules, on a sliding scale.


Right now, the government can only name and shame companies that are subject to a recall notice.

The bill is the first the Liberals have introduced in the Senate, chalking the move to the volume of legislation before the House of Commons.

However, the government has no senators and no levers to move the bill through the chamber should it stall.

The Conservatives introduced similar legislation in early June of last year, which wasn’t enough time to debate the bill before the summer recess that ultimately led to the fall election.


That bill, had it passed, would have given the government the power to impose limitless fines on companies that don’t comply with a recall order.


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