Canadian Manufacturing

Hangcha Forklift Canada announces lithium-ion offerings

by CM Staff   

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Hangcha Canada’s lithium-ion lineup includes electric three and four-wheel forklifts, narrow aisle trucks, electric pallet trucks and stackers, and tow tractors.

(Credit: GlobeNewswire)

VAUDREUIL-DORION — Hangcha Forklift Canada announces that it is offering a range of lithium-ion material handling equipment to dealers and customers nationwide. The Hangcha Group has partnered with CATL, involved in lithium-ion battery pack manufacturing, to build fully recyclable battery packs for material handling applications. Hangcha Canada’s lithium-ion lineup includes electric three and four-wheel forklifts, narrow aisle trucks, electric pallet trucks and stackers, and tow tractors.

Lithium-ion technology has emerged as a game-changer, particularly in the realm of forklifts. Known for their high energy density, long lifecycle, and rapid charging capabilities, these advanced batteries are trying to reshape operational efficiency while promoting environmental sustainability.

“While the initial investment in lithium-ion is higher compared to lead-acid batteries and Internal Combustion forklifts, the long-term savings are substantial with a cost reduction of about 55% when compared to their lead-acid counterpart,” says Richard Sinclair, Technical Trainer at Hangcha Canada. “While traditional IC engines and lead-acid batteries require manual maintenance like refuelling, engine maintenance, and battery watering, our lithium-ion battery packs do not. This not only reduces operating costs and downtime but also guarantees that our customers can rely on consistent, high-performing equipment for years to come.”

Hangcha Canada’s lithium-ion forklifts are apparently available across Canada with warehouses in Mississauga, Ontario; Vancouver, British Columbia; and Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec.


“With these lithium-ion packages, everything runs flawlessly. Charging issues are a thing of the past and maintenance is virtually non-existent,” says Chris DiBerto, Sales Manager at Ri-Go Lift Truck Ltd., one of Hangcha Canada’s dealers. “Operators are happier, finance departments appreciate the cost savings and maintenance teams can focus on more critical tasks instead of managing batteries. It’s a game changer for our customers.”


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