Canadian Manufacturing

Globe and Mail workers ratify new three-year deal, averting strike

by CM Staff   

Human Resources Manufacturing

The gains include a two per cent increase to all wage scales and all salaries up to $150,000, retroactive to July 1, 2021.

Photo Credit: CNW Group/Unifor

Hours away from a strike deadline, workers at The Globe and Mail newspaper nearly unanimously voted to ratify a new three-year deal.

According to the Unifor private sector union, the negotiations addressed issues such as wages, diversity, equity and inclusion, mental health benefits and other working conditions. Unifor Local 87-M represents more than 250 Globe and Mail employees, including reporters, editors, circulation/operations and advertising sales staff.

The gains include a two per cent increase to all wage scales and all salaries up to $150,000, retroactive to July 1, 2021. Beginning July 1, 2022, members will also receive a one per cent increase on all wage scales and another one per cent increase on all wage scales effective July 1, 2023.


“The employer also agreed to discuss pay gaps the union has identified and make best efforts to achieve fair and equal pay for women, people of colour and other equity-seeking groups within the bargaining unit,” Unifor officials said in a Sept. 16 statement.

The term of the new agreement is effective upon ratification on September 16, 2021 until June 30, 2024.

Unifor represents approximately 315,000 Canadian workers in every major area of the economy.


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