Canadian Manufacturing

Genome BC launches new $1M health data program for researchers at Providence Health Care

by CM Staff   

Manufacturing Research & Development Technology / IIoT Public Sector data healthcare human genome research and development

Genome BC believes that making data available in a safe, ethical, secure and privacy-conscious way can improve the performance and quality of healthcare.

Genome BC Launches New $1 Million Health Data Program for Researchers working with Providence Health Care : Doctor and touch screen system (CNW Group/Genome British Columbia)

VANCOUVER — Genome British Columbia has committed an investment of up to $1 million in partnership with Providence Health Care Ventures as part of their efforts to advance medical research and patient care.

“Our Data Access, Integration and Analysis program will provide qualified researchers with access, through Venture’s Integrated Health Informatics Datalab, to de-identified health data within a secure environment,” said Federica Di Palma, chief scientific officer and vice-president, sectors at Genome BC in a statement.

“Once that clinical data is integrated with genomic research data, it will enable new discoveries that address unmet clinical needs, provide benefits to the healthcare system, and most importantly, improve patient outcomes.”


Genome BC believes that making data available in a safe, ethical, secure and privacy-conscious way can improve the performance and quality of healthcare, just as it is used in finance and manufacturing and other sectors.

Additionally, Genome BC stated that researchers at Providence facilities can consistently analyze patient data to develop new prognostic, diagnostic and other tools, which can then be integrated into care.

Genome BC says it strategically promotes data collection, management, storage, analysis and integration as they are essential for genomic research and innovation. Much of the datasets resulting from Genome BC-funded projects have value and utility beyond the purpose for which they are originally generated.


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