Canadian Manufacturing

Capital Power’s Genesee station ends coal use to become 100% natural gas-fueled

by CM Staff   

Environment Manufacturing Operations Cleantech Energy Public Sector Alberta government Capital Power cleantech Coal Energy environemnt Genesee station Manufacturing natural gas operations public sector

The station did it five years ahead of the Alberta government's mandate.

EDMONTON — Capital Power’s Genesee Generating Station is now completely natural gas-fueled, ending coal use over five years ahead of the Alberta government mandate.

As part of the Genesee Repowering project, the facility completed simple cycle commissioning for Unit 1 on May 3, simple cycle testing is underway on Unit 2, and Unit 3 has transitioned to natural gas. The project continues to progress with combined cycle completion expected in Q4 2024, which will result in 512 MW of additional net high efficiency, low heat rate capacity from the site.

“Capital Power is immensely proud to…deliver up to 3.4 million tonnes of annual emissions reductions through our Genesee Repowering project,” said Jason Comandante, SVP, head of Canada for Capital Power.

“Our investment in this facility will result in the most efficient natural gas combined cycle plant in Canada – a feat that significantly reduces emissions while delivering more megawatts of reliable, affordable and clean capacity for our province,” Comandante added.



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