Canadian Manufacturing

Canadian jury calls on manufacturers to do more for safety

by CM Staff   

Human Resources Manufacturing Regulation Risk & Compliance law Manufacturing regulation unions

The recommendations call upon employers, mining vehicle and equipment manufacturers and government to take enhanced steps to ensure worker safety.

Jury on inquiry into Sudbury miner’s 2015 death adopts Unifor safety recommendations (CNW Group/Unifor)

TORONTO — A jury adopted several of Unifor’s safety and process recommendations to help prevent future death and injury to miners following an inquiry into the October 15, 2015 workplace death of Sudbury miner Richard Pigeau.

“The jury’s safety, support and training recommendations must be implemented immediately as they are necessary to protect workers in the mining sector,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “One worker’s death is one too many. These practical changes can save lives and prevent injury.”

Pigeau had been driving a load haul dump truck, weighing 84,000 pounds without a load, and was somehow ejected from the enclosed cab and then crushed by the rear wheels of the moving vehicle.


The inquiry began August 29, 2022 and concluded September 2, 2022. The recommendations call upon employers, mining vehicle and equipment manufacturers and government to take enhanced steps to ensure worker safety. They include mandatory seat belts for mobile mining equipment and alarm systems when the door is ajar or the seatbelt is unbuckled.

“Many safety systems we are used to seeing in civilian vehicles are not standard in heavy equipment and it’s time that changed,” said Vinay Sharma, Unifor Director of Health and Safety. “We are pleased the inquiry adopted several of our union’s recommendations to better protect workers and to help families navigate the resources available to them.”


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