Canadian Manufacturing

Bombardier to begin special mission modification package as part of Pegasus project

by CM staff   

Manufacturing Operations Research & Development Sales & Marketing Aerospace Transportation Bombardier Defense engineering team German armed forces Global 6000 aircraft Lufthansa Technik Pegasus project

Structural modifications represent first major European customer work package since Wichita appointed a main hub for Bombardier Defense earlier in 2022.

Arrival of a Global 6000 aircraft in Wichita, Kansas as part of the next phase of the company’s contract to support Lufthansa Technik’s participation in the HENSOLDT-led PEGASUS program of the German armed forces.

WICHITA — Bombardier Defense announced the arrival of a Global 6000 aircraft in Wichita, Kansas as part of the next phase of the company’s contract to support Lufthansa Technik’s participation in the Hensoldt-led Pegasus program of the German armed forces.

Bombardier Defense will perform major structural modifications to accommodate the “Kalætron Integral” signal intelligence (SIGINT) system developed by Hensoldt, which collects and analyzes military signals from radar and radio systems. The integration of this system will subsequently be performed at Lufthansa Technik’s special mission aircraft competence centre in Hamburg, Germany. Bombardier has previously delivered three Global 6000 jets to Lufthansa Technik since the aircraft was selected for the program in 2020.

This marks the first major work package for a European customer performed at Bombardier Defense’s U.S. Headquarters in Wichita, Kansas since the company unveiled the site’s new mission in April 2022. Bombardier Defense will now be transitioning to the aircraft modification phase after its engineering team developed precise and mission-specific designed solutions. Bombardier Defense will then perform testing and required certification of the modified aircraft. As part of this program, Lufthansa Technik will perform and support systems integration for Hensoldt, in addition to engineering and modification work contracted to Bombardier Defense.


“This most recent milestone is a testament to the quality of Bombardier jets for both VIP transport and special mission applications,” said Steve Patrick, vice-president, Bombardier. “Bombardier Defense’s full suite of mission-specific design, manufacturing, and certification capabilities, combined with Lufthansa Technik’s expertise will ensure Hensoldt receives a reliable, high-performing platform, perfectly tailored to their mission requirements and payload.”


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