Canadian Manufacturing

ADP Canada report finds Canada increased by 221,300 jobs in July 2021

by CM Staff   

Human Resources Manufacturing Operations Research & Development Infrastructure COVID-19 Economy In Focus labour Manufacturing pandemic

The Canadian economy added 22,700 jobs in the manufacturing industry in July.

TORONTO — Employment in Canada increased by 221,300 jobs from June to July according to the July ADP® Canada National Employment Report. Broadly distributed to the public each month, free of charge, the ADP Canada National Employment Report is produced by the ADP Research Institute®. The report, which is derived from actual ADP payroll data, measures the change in total nonfarm payroll employment each month on a seasonally-adjusted basis.

July 2021 Report Highlights

Total Canada Nonfarm Payroll Employment: 221,300  

Industry Snapshot: 


     •  Goods Producing: 

          o  Manufacturing: 22,700 

          o  Construction: 17,100 

          o  Natural Resources and Mining: 800 


     •  Service Providing: 

          o  Trade/Transportation and Utilities: 56,900 

          o  Information: 3,000 

          o  Finance/Real Estate: 1,600 


          o  Professional/Business Services: 21,100 

                    ▪  Professional/Technical 11,100 

                    ▪  Management of Companies 2,100 

                    ▪  Administrative and Support 7,900 

          o  Education & Health Care 24,800 

                    ▪  Educational Services -3,700 

                    ▪  Health Care 28,400 

          o  Leisure and Hospitality 64,300 

          o  Other Services 9,100 

* Sum of components may not equal total, due to rounding.
1 Including 14 industries (cf. report methodology)
2 Including public administration 

“The July labour market recorded a solid month of gains,” said Nela Richardson, chief economist, ADP. “Eased restrictions have allowed for the reopening of hard hit businesses, providing increased hiring in leisure and hospitality and trade, transportation and utilities.”

The June total of jobs added was revised from -294,200 to -106,200.

The August 2021 ADP Canada National Employment Report will be released at 8:30a.m.ET on September 16, 2021.


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