Canadian Manufacturing

Hiram Walker & Sons Distillery produces hand sanitizer to fight spread of COVID-19

by CM Staff   

Canadian Manufacturing
Human Resources Food & Beverage Hiram Walker & Sons Distillery

The sanitizer will be donated where needed in Windsor, and to the TTC in Toronto

Hiram Walker & Sons Distillery. PHOTO: Corby Spirit and Wine

As part of the national effort to fight the spread of the COVID-19 virus, spirits manufacturer Corby Spirit and Wine Ltd. and its Walkerville Hiram Walker & Sons Distillery in Windsor, Ont. announced on March 19 that they will be producing hand sanitizer.

The distillery, producer of J.P.Wiser’s Canadian whisky, typically distills 180,000 litres of alcohol every day, but will be adding hand sanitizer to its production line.

Related: Meet the companies quickly pivoting to serve Canada’s COVID-19 needs

The distillery is the producer of J.P.Wiser’s Canadian whisky. PHOTO: Corby Spirit and Wine Communications

The sanitizer will be donated where needed in Windsor, and to the TTC in Toronto.


“In times like this, it is important that everyone, especially companies with strong Canadian roots, like ours, prioritize good corporate citizenship and step up in the name of the greater good,” said Patrick O’Driscoll, chief executive officer of Corby, in a prepared statement.

“I am glad that we were able to form this public/private partnership and repurpose our spirits production facilities to meet a pressing need.”



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