Canadian Manufacturing

Canada contributes to the growth of Maille atelier collaboratif

by CM staff   

Financing Manufacturing Operations Infrastructure custom furniture government of Canada Maille atelier collaboratif repayable contribution

Maille atelier collaboratif is an SME that specializes in space planning and the design and manufacture of custom furniture.

NEW RICHMOND —The Government of Canada is providing a $350,000 repayable contribution for Maille Atelier inc. (Maille atelier collaboratif). This CED funding will allow the business to make improvements to its premise, including expanding its manufacturing workshop and acquiring equipment such as a dust collection system and a painting room.

Maille atelier collaboratif is an SME that specializes in space planning and the design and manufacture of custom furniture. It mainly serves the Gaspésie region’s residential, commercial and municipal markets. The annual sales of this young and innovative business have been growing steadily but its current facilities make it hard to keep up with demand. This expansion and modernization project, combined with the acquisition of new equipment, will allow the business to increase its production capacity and pursue its growth.

“Ensuring the prosperity of our communities will always be one of our government’s priorities,” said Diane Lebouthillier, Member of Parliament for Gaspésie‍–‍Les Îles–de–la–Madeleine and Minister of National Revenue. “SMEs are central to our economic recovery plan, which is why CED supports them in their efforts to increase their productivity. Maille atelier collaboratif is making a significant contribution to the economic vitality of the Gaspésie region by creating sustainable projects and products in collaboration with local artisans. The success of their project will foster their growth and will definitely have a positive impact on the economic development of our beautiful region.”


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