Canadian Manufacturing

Canadian Pizza: Brand extension 101

by Canadian Pizza   

Manufacturing Food & Beverage Manufacturing pizza

Creative, agile General Assembly Pizza disrupts the frozen pizza market

Photos: General Assembly Pizza,

Ali Khan Lalani wants to stir things up in the pizza industry.

The affable founder and CEO of General Assembly Pizza in Toronto, sees himself as no fan of the status quo: “As GA’s founder, my goals are to disrupt the pizza industry as we know it and to help lead the quality pizza movement.”

Like a top chess player seeing several steps ahead, Lalani has the gift of harnessing the right trend at the right time. He is steering his pizza brand ahead of the curve in a competitive industry during a brutally challenging year – a feat he and his team have accomplished through a series of smart pivots.


To appreciate the journey he has taken, you need to understand how he made the leap from owning a pair of Swiss Chalet locations to opening a bricks-and-mortar pizzeria to selling meal kits to getting frozen pizzas into grocery stores to his newest innovation – offering stacks of pizza by subscription.

Read more on Canadian Pizza, one of Canadian Manufacturing‘s sister publications.


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