Canadian Manufacturing

Exro Technologies Inc. announces updates towards the commercialization of its Coil Driver™ technology

by CM Staff   

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While the Coil Driver development remains on track, Linamar and Exro have experienced supply chain delays as it relates to the electric motor in the e-axle.

CALGARY — On Apr. 7, Exro Technologies Inc., a clean technology company that has developed a new class of power electronics for electric motors and batteries, announced updates related to a number of the company’s new and ongoing projects that mark milestones and progress towards the commercialization of its Coil Driver(TM) technology.

Exro Vehicle Systems:

Exro Vehicle Systems, a division of Exro Technologies Inc., secured a purchase order from a Tier-1 automotive supplier, to provide more than $1 million in engineering design and consulting services. Under the terms of the purchase order, Exro will deliver design and installation services for a custom electric powertrain system that features a custom battery pack solution. The custom system designed for a light-duty on-road vehicle will also integrate with many automotive original equipment manufacturer (OEM) systems, including power and control architectures.

Potencia Industrial:


The two companies tested a light-duty electric cargo truck using a Potencia Y45 electric motor and an Exro 100 Volt Coil Driver on the streets of Mexico City, Mexico, to test powertrain performance in densely populated urban environments and on hilly terrain.

The latest testing with Potencia reportedly shows Exro’s ability to improve performance and efficiency in low voltage EV applications and deliver its technology to partners on time.

Traktionssysteme Austria:

Traktionssysteme Austria (TSA) is collaborating with Exro as its motor partner for high voltage applications. The two companies are partnering to test and develop electric drive solutions using a TSA motor and an Exro Coil Driver.


The Coil Driver testing results are showing 4000 Nm of torque and continuous power of 375kW mechanical output at 4500 RPM, while achieving peak system efficiencies of 95%. This represents a performance improvement in a single electric motor when compared to current industry leaders.


Prototype testing and validation for a compact and cost-effective e-Axle with Coil Driver are on track to be completed this quarter. However, the Linamar project is delayed from delivery in the second quarter of 2022 to the early third quarter of this year. While the Coil Driver development remains on track, Linamar and Exro have experienced supply chain delays as it relates to the electric motor in the e-axle.

Exro is supporting Linamar’s entry into the electric powertrain space for medium-duty commercial vehicles by designing and supplying gearbox and intelligent inverter solutions for high-speed low torque and low-speed high torque applications. This partnership with a Tier 1 automotive supplier will also establish Exro’s position in the highly competitive automotive supply chain.



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